012 – Take Care of YOU!


Ever feel like you’re in quick sand? You just feel stuck – between handling a million things for your parents and your kids. You just go through one task or crisis after the other without having a second to think about you.

Anita, a Certified Life Coach and Sandwich Generationer, provides extremely practical tips on how to de-stress and start taking care of YOU. Anita’s tips don’t take long either and can be done in your car, in a doctor’s waiting room or in the privacy of your bedroom after a very exhausting day. Learn breathing techniques, like 4-7-8 or ocean breathing to relax. Listen to how easy it is to practice Walking Meditation with your parent and kids. It’s all free and can be done in as little as 10 minutes a day.  There’s even scientific evidence to the benefits of meditation. This podcast is all about “Small Moments. Many Times” to help you deal with being in the Sandwich Generation.

Recording in Anita’s chic childhood bedroom, TV trays and all!


  1. Great Podcast.
    I have known Anita for many years and have had the joy of attending one of her meditation, breathing, light yoga days at her home. She has a wealth of wisdom and I am sure she is a great life coach.
    Thnx, Melissa

    1. Thanks so much for reaching out and your kind words. I felt so much calmer just listening to Anita while we recorded together! Hope you get a chance to subscribe to the podcast and listen to others.

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